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How can 1 letter have so many pronunciations?

How can 1 letter have so many pronunciations?

Published on
May 30, 2024
Min read

English pronunciation can be frustrating for anyone trying to learn the language. It's also because English spelling is often ridiculous, to the point that it can easily trip up native speakers.

The first step is to appreciate that in English, one letter doesn’t correspond to one sound.

English is a mine-field for learners. The same letter or combination of letters can have multiple different pronunciations. Think of the classic “ough” in thought, though, tough, thorough, plough, cough. Each pronounced differently 🤯

But let’s focus on a less obvious example, the letter “d”.

“Sandro, c’mon, surely ‘d’ can only be ‘d’!”

Ahhh, my optimist friend, if only! Here are 5 ways the letter "d" can be pronounced (or sometimes not pronounced) in English:

1. Don’t eat Cheddar

2. during / endure / reduce

3. I could eat (two versions)

4. I cooked, I watched some tv, I sipped some tea.

5. Every Wednesday a handsome man wraps a sandwich in a handkerchief.

Watch the video to get the full 'd' experience!